Realia as a Digital Resource for the Acquisition of English Vocabulary


The present investigation was carried out in the Amazonas Educational Unit with the students in the ninth basic year, with the purpose to analyze how the Realia as a digital resource is linked to the acquisition of vocabulary in the English language through the use of some strategies and digital resources to apply them in the process of a class. It was also analyzed how this technique contributes to the students' learning and these, in turn, feel motivated to increase their vocabulary in the English language. The method is deductive, due to the nature of the information obtained from other projects, and the research is descriptive, due to the information that was used through bibliographic sources and digital degree theses that were acquired from the Internet and which helped to analyze the relationship that exists in both the independent and dependent variables. A survey was conducted for students, and the data collection instrument was a questionnaire of 10 questions with a polytomous scale of Strongly agree, Agree and Disagree, with scaling Likert-type through the Google Form application. From the result of this research, it was found that students find a significant connection in the use of digital strategies and resources for the acquisition of vocabulary in the English language through online platforms or applications. In conclusion, digital resources using the Realia technique are of great value when acquiring new knowledge in the English language, especially in the acquisition of vocabulary.

Keywords: Realia, Vocabulary, Digital resource, Language


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How to Cite
Alava Castro, N. J. (2022). Realia as a Digital Resource for the Acquisition of English Vocabulary. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(292), 81-95.
Research Articles