The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Daily Life of the Physical Education Teacher

A Study in Public Education in the State of Rondonia


The teacher has a vital role in the teaching-learning process of every human being, marks generations and contributes to the formation of citizens able to live in society. With the recent coronavirus pandemic, social distancing was used as a protective measure, which is inferred to have caused several damages to the health of teachers and their students, these measures were adopted to mitigate the contagion of the disease, however, they affected the way teachers teach their classes and the interaction of their social relationships. The present study aimed to analyze the impact of the pandemic on the daily life of Physical Education teacher of public education in Rondonia and the changes that have occurred in their social relationships, as well as to describe their perception of their psychological health and map their level of physical activity. For this, descriptive qualitative research was conducted with 38 teachers aged between 18 and 70 years and a semi-structured questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument. The results show that: I - the “teacher x student” and “teacher x family/personal life” relationships were the most affected; II – most teachers had their psychological health negatively affected; III - teachers reduced their levels of physical activity during the pandemic. It is concluded that the coronavirus pandemic caused numerous impacts on teachers' daily lives and social relationships.

Keywords: Coronavirus, Pandemic, Physical Education teacher, Social relationships


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Author Biographies

Jerson Guimarães dos Santos,

Ingride Farias Fernandes Ribeiro da Silva,

Manuela Havena Rosendo Lopes,

Silvia Teixeira de Pinho,

How to Cite
Santos, J. G. dos, Silva, I. F. F. R. da, Lopes, M. H. R., & Pinho, S. T. de. (2023). The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Daily Life of the Physical Education Teacher: A Study in Public Education in the State of Rondonia. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(299), 16-27.
Research Articles