The COVID-19 Pandemic: Consequences on the Perception of the Quality of Life of Teachers


Researching the Quality of Life (QoL) theme is complex, as it starts from an intrinsic feeling of each human being, encompassing aspects such as: physical and psychological health, social relationships and the environment. From this perspective, this research aimed to; to identify the perception of teachers' QoL in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a methodology, this research was presented as descriptive, with a quantitative-qualitative approach. The population that participated in the sample was 142 teachers, and only 74 were classified as responding to both instruments. Two instruments were used: one sociodemographic and the Whoqol-Bref, online. For data analysis, summary statistical techniques and data mining techniques for description, dimensionality reduction and classification were used. The results showed that the perception of QoL of the teachers participating in the research was considered good. However, the following sociodemographic/behavioral variables were identified as determining factors for the outcome of QoL classifications: workload; monthly income and practice of physical activities. As for the QoL indicators of the Whoqol-Bref: energy and fatigue, sleep and rest, activities of daily living, positive feelings, self-esteem, body image and appearance, personal relationships, social support, financial resources, transportation and self-assessment of General QoL (general health perception). The identification of these factors allowed the development of classification models, through decision trees and logistic regression. Therefore, the teachers who accepted to participate in the research were classified with an average perception of QoL, amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Quality of life, Teachers, Pandemia


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Author Biographies

Elisete Aparecida Novais Mayer,

Heleise Faria dos Reis de Oliveira,

Celso Bilynkievycz dos Santos,

José Ricardo Lourenço de Oliveira,

How to Cite
Mayer, E. A. N., Oliveira, H. F. dos R. de, Santos, C. B. dos, & Oliveira, J. R. L. de. (2023). The COVID-19 Pandemic: Consequences on the Perception of the Quality of Life of Teachers. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(301), 2-19.
Research Articles