Learn How to Play Tennis and Organize Tournaments with 3 Tools

  • Diana Gujer Independiente


Tennis is an exciting sport. Here are some tips for learning to play and also guidelines for organizing tournaments. It is convenient to enroll in a tennis academy to learn the strokes, have the corrections of a teacher and also meet people at the same level to be able to play later. It is a sport that can only be played with one other person, so it is not necessary to make a big call as it happens in other sports such as soccer, volleyball or basketball. In order to play it is necessary to have a racket, a pair of shoes and sportswear. Synoptic charts can be used to organize tournaments and to think about game strategies against different opponents.

Keywords: Tennis, Strategy, Learning, Management


Gujer, D. (2021). Fútbol, Baloncesto y Tenis: tres deportes populares en las redes. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 26(281), 232-236. https://efdeportes.com/efdeportes/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/3214

Hinojosa, M.A. (2003). Diagrama de Gantt. Producción, procesos y operaciones, 48.

Toledo, M. (2017). Medidas oficiales de la cancha de tenis. Tennis World. https://www.tennisworldes.com/tenis/news/Articulos_Tenis/1825/medidas-oficiales-de-las-canchas-de-tenis/

How to Cite
Gujer, D. (2022). Learn How to Play Tennis and Organize Tournaments with 3 Tools. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(292), 243-248. Retrieved from https://test.efdeportes.com/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/3684