System of Exercises for Technical Teaching of the Low Fall in Youth Soccer Goalkeepers


The objective of this study was to design a system of exercises by determining components and activities for the technical teaching of low fall in soccer goalkeepers in the formative stage. For this reason the ideals of different authors who contribute to the subject investigated were analyzed and synthesized. resorting to field exploration and types of descriptive inquiry. In addition to the use of information collection techniques and instruments such as the survey and the observation sheet addressed to 10 goalkeepers, including the interview of both goalkeeper trainers and specialists in the area, showed as a result the low level of learning that the keepers have in relation to the low fall technique. Attached to this, the importance of developing each technical gesture in their formative stage as soccer players was highlighted, including the implementation of didactic resources, training and knowledge of various exercise variants on the part of the coach that allows the goalkeeper to have a significant learning, concluding with the thought that if the goalkeeper does not carry out the sports practice of the different basic techniques, he tends to reduce his level of reaction, his elasticity and his correct way of falling. That is why the system of exercises is presented as an effective proposal that sequences the exercises from the simple to the complex based on different stages: diagnosis, planning, application and evaluation, allowing the goalkeeper to execute the technical foundation correctly.

Keywords: Soccer, Drill system, Goalkeeper


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How to Cite
Alava Guanoluisa, C. E., Burgos Angulo, D. J., & Macías Rendón, C. H. (2023). System of Exercises for Technical Teaching of the Low Fall in Youth Soccer Goalkeepers. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(296), 44-56.
Research Articles