How much money did the teams that participated in the World Cup in Qatar earn?

  • Pedro Claro Independiente


It is estimated that FIFA (International Federation of Associated Football) raised 4.7 billion dollars for the Qatar 2022 World Cup, adding television rights, marketing, ticket sales and other items. On the other hand, this World Cup was the most expensive in history, far exceeding Russia 2018 and Brazil 2014. Part of the money obtained is distributed among the participating teams, with prizes ranging from u$42 million for the champion Argentina to u$9 million for teams that did not make it past the first round. An evident growth of the prizes that are awarded event after event can be verified, according to the increase in income from FIFA.

Keywords: FIFA, Soccer, World Cup, Qatar World Cup


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Zaidan, E., y Abulibdeh, A. (2018). Modeling ground access mode choice behavior for Hamad International Airport in the 2022 FIFA World Cup city, Doha, Qatar. Journal of Air Transport Management, 73, 32-45.

How to Cite
Claro, P. (2022). How much money did the teams that participated in the World Cup in Qatar earn?. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(295), 244-248. Retrieved from