World Champions: Europe and the Epigraph of Sports Colonization

  • Julián Ponisio Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)


This article analyzes the wealth of emotions and meanings that soccer arouses worldwide and the collective sense of belonging projected on a national soccer team. The sports identities in a diachronic analysis of the three world titles obtained by the Argentine team impregnated by the development of a style of play based on: dribbling, mischief and good treatment of the ball. The rupture of the constitutional order in 1955 in that country and the famous myth of Western modernization that gained strength in the recent World Cup in Qatar 2022, with a permanent Eurocentric discourse and discredit towards the title obtained by the South American country. With Leonel Messi, in his full maturity as an individual and player, the enormous talent of the dribble was displayed in this recent World Cup, associated with the performance of the entire team, explicit in fine touch and good treatment of the ball, achieving an expressed balance in the philosophy of the offensive game as well as in character, mischief and fierceness. Thus achieving in the stands and the population in general, an immense amount of joy and enjoyment, just when hopes in other social spheres fade.

Keywords: Soccer, Qatar Word Cup 2022, Argentina, Eurocentrism


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How to Cite
Ponisio, J. (2023). World Champions: Europe and the Epigraph of Sports Colonization. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(296), 224-229.