Professional Profile of Physical Education Teachers at Public Universities in Northeast Brazil


Higher education courses at the undergraduate level in Physical Education should train professionals to intervene in the labor market in the most different possible areas, especially according to the social need related to the place and historical moment. In order to train Physical Education professionals who meet these social needs, it is believed that teacher trainers must have a minimum of practical experience in professional intervention in order to bring scientific and theoretical themes closer to issues of a practical and relational operational nature. This research aims to present the different locations and time of professional intervention in the area of physical education by professors at federal public universities in northeastern Brazil, more specifically in the states of Pernambuco, Piauí and Bahia with a degree in Physical Education, before entering the public service. The method of this research deals with a qualitative case study where the information was collected through the Lattes platform. The results showed that of the 109 professionals surveyed, 70 professionals, that is, 64%, had already worked in the Physical Education job market before joining the teaching career of these Federal Universities and 39 professionals, that is, 36%, had never worked before enter Federal Universities. These data show a possible distance between teaching activities and actual activities of practical intervention in Physical Education, since many teachers from the institutions surveyed have never worked in the Physical Education job market and will train professionals to work in this same market.

Keywords: Physical Education, Graduation, Teacher, Professional interventio, Labor market


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Author Biographies

Ubiratan Silva Alves,

Jonas Breno Nunes Sampaio,

Rafael Eugênio Menezes Mudo,

How to Cite
Alves, U. S., Sampaio, J. B. N., & Mudo, R. E. M. (2023). Professional Profile of Physical Education Teachers at Public Universities in Northeast Brazil. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(300), 33-49.
Research Articles