Analysis of the Field Command in the State Classics Present in Brazilian Championships

Study in Serie A Men's Soccer from 2018 to 2022


This article seeks to understand the implication of the result in a classic (win, draw or defeat) and its relationship with field command taking into account the three subsequent games, knowing that classic is considered games of teams of the same region. For this, all derbies in the Brazilian Championships from 2018 to 2022 were analyzed. The objective of the work was based on observing the following aspects: result of the derby (home win; draw or away win) and the points won in the derby by the home and away in the three games after the derby, analyzing the situation (home or away), result of the game (win, draw or defeat) and the points won by the team that was home and away from the derby. The data obtained for the study were taken from the Globo Esporte website and their tabulation was organized in Microsoft Excel 2021 Software and the score in Software Microsoft Excel. Firstly, it is observed that the home team has better performance in the classics with 44.44% of victories, followed by 29.41% of draws and, finally, 26.14% of the visitor's victories. In general, winning the classic does not mean a promise of victory in the next three games, in this championship. However, losing the classic in the condition of principal, prospers, on average, a worse performance in later games.

Keywords: Soccer, Field command, Brazilian championship


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Orenga Sandoval,

Rodrigo Baldi Gonçalves,

Alcides José Scaglia,

How to Cite
Sandoval, G. O., Gonçalves, R. B., & Scaglia, A. J. (2023). Analysis of the Field Command in the State Classics Present in Brazilian Championships: Study in Serie A Men’s Soccer from 2018 to 2022. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(301), 121-130.
Research Articles