Flipped Classroom Proposal for Teaching Track and Field in University Students

Analysis of Advantages and Limitations


The use of Information and Communication Technologies, as well as active methodologies, is a transcendental aspect in education at any educational stage. In this way, the teaching method called "Flipped Classroom" is shown as an ideal way of teaching to improve student learning. The objective of the present was to apply a Flipped Class project in Higher Education students during the course of the Specialization in Track and Field subject and to know it's possible limitations and suggestions for improvement. For this, the "Edpuzzle" platform was used where the teacher included a week before starting the classes a video with questions about the content to be developed in the following session. The students had to view the video and answer the questions, which were then reached by consensus during the theoretical class that was used to expand the information on the specific content. The results showed how the students had a very positive perception of the experience through the answers reported in a questionnaire of open questions, in addition to maintaining a percentage of success in the questions of approximately 80%. It is concluded that the application of the Flipped Class may be adequate to be used in university classrooms, discussing the possible limitations and future prospects.

Keywords: Flipped classroom, Active methodologies, University students, Teaching, Physical Education


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How to Cite
Manzano-Sánchez, D. (2023). Flipped Classroom Proposal for Teaching Track and Field in University Students: Analysis of Advantages and Limitations. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(301), 53-68. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v28i301.3897
Research Articles