The Educational Video in the Promotion of Pedagogical Skills in Physical Education


Initial Teacher Training should be concerned with diversifying the approaches to developing pedagogical intervention skills, considering the particularities of each area of the curriculum. The area of Physical Education (PE) being structured according to the domain of actions, movements and coordination, can benefit from the use of video as a support to the teaching/learning processes of students in the elementary school. Through an online questionnaire, 11 students in training at the University of Aveiro were asked, with the aim of knowing their perceptions about the production of an educational video developed in the PE module of a curricular unit in the area of Didactics. The students identified very specific objectives for their videos, while their difficulties and dilemmas were centered on choosing the contents to be addressed and the didactic strategies to be used. As specific contents of the most mobilized module, the essential PE learning skills and didactic tasks were identified. The educational video stood out as a specific training instrument in the field of PE, by conditioning not only mastery but also individual and group reflection on the pedagogical intervention in the field.

Keywords: Physical Education, Video, Competences


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Author Biography

Rui Neves,

How to Cite
Neves, R. (2023). The Educational Video in the Promotion of Pedagogical Skills in Physical Education. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(300), 18-32.
Research Articles