Technical Preparation and its Relationship with the Competitive Performance of Soccer Players in the Sub-12 Category

A Study at the Emelec Soccer School


The teaching-learning of the technical foundations of soccer at an early age is a fundamental element, since it allows illustrating the athlete's training process, as well as mastering the individual and collective actions of the player. The present study declared as a general objective to design a technical preparation program as a fundamental aspect for the improvement of the competitive performance of the soccer players under-12 category of the Emelec Soccer School. The methodology applied in the research is based on a quantitative approach, with a correlational scope and the design is non-experimental cross-sectional. The techniques and instruments of data collection, scientific observation was used to evaluate the teaching-learning process of the technical elements of soccer, in addition to an interview with a manager with manager of the "Club Sport Emelec". Within the results obtained, it was possible to identify difficulties in the execution of the technical fundamentals in the U-12 category soccer players, on the other hand, in the visits to the training sessions, limitations were evident in the coaches in the planning, organization, execution and control of the technical preparation process. It was found that the technical preparation variable has a significant relationship with competitive performance, obtaining a value of sig. (0.001) < 0.01 and a Rho (0.897), which reflects a high positive correlation. It was concluded that it is necessary to implement the system of specialized exercises in the sports training process for the improvement of the technical fundamentals of soccer and the improvement of competitive performance.

Keywords: Soccer, Technique, Performance


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How to Cite
Fajardo Barzola, K. E., Burgos Angulo, D. J., Espinoza Burgos, Álvaro D., Angulo Porozo, C. H., Perlaza Estupiñan, A. A., & Macías Rendón, C. H. (2023). Technical Preparation and its Relationship with the Competitive Performance of Soccer Players in the Sub-12 Category: A Study at the Emelec Soccer School. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(303), 88-105.
Research Articles