Advances in the Area of Orthopedic Physiotherapy Accordingly to the Use of Technology with the Kinect System

An Integrative Review


Introduction: Kinect is a fast and inexpensive technology for motion analysis that can assess exercises and range of motion, intended for assessment and rehabilitation of orthopedic patients. Therefore, it is of great importance to study the subject, since it can add to the physical therapy treatment. Objective: Analyze the literature that discussed on technological advances in the field of orthopedic physiotherapy through the Kinect system. Materials and Methods: This is an integrative review study, seeking high sensitivity. After using inclusion and exclusion criteria, it was possible to reach a total of 11 (eleven) articles, which are discussed throughout the text, in order to respond to the research problem. These articles were published between the years 2014 to 2022. Results: According to the selected studies, it can be concluded that the Kinect has been shown to be fundamental for the monitoring and recovery of patients who undergo orthopedic treatment, above all, because it presents high reliability and speed in the images achieved, which guarantee the adjustment of activities. It is alsoclarified that the Kinect minimizes the chances of taking the patient to the office, since with the appropriate tools, telemedicine is presented with quality. Conclusion: The technology allied to Kinect has been a very valuable tool for the area of ​​orthopedic physiotherapy, since it enriches the existing methods, making it a promising tool.

Keywords: Physiotherapy, Orthopedics, Three-dimensional image, Kinect


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Author Biographies

Érica Galdino Félix,

Paulo Leonardo Araújo de Gois Morais,

Isis Kelly dos Santos,

Adalberto Veronese da Costa,

Glêbia Alexa Cardoso,

How to Cite
Félix, Érica G., Morais, P. L. A. de G., Santos, I. K. dos, Costa, A. V. da, & Cardoso, G. A. (2023). Advances in the Area of Orthopedic Physiotherapy Accordingly to the Use of Technology with the Kinect System: An Integrative Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(307), 163-178.
Review Articles