School Sport and Sport at School: Pedagogical Model in Physical Education


Regarding Physical Education classes, sport is the main theme. The present study aimed to investigate the pedagogical model used by Physical Education teachers from the municipal education system, using a qualitative descriptive study to support the research. The research sample consisted of 4 teachers belonging to the municipal education network of the municipality, using semi-structured interviews, simple observation of classes and a field diary. Subsequently, the results were handled through a content analysis. It was observed the predominant choice to “School Sport”, however only half of the individuals presented a pairing with their pedagogical practice, showing an imprecision to the conceptual domain of the sport models, and, in the opposite direction, the rest of the investigated equating the contextualization of his practice to “Sport at School”. It is necessary to have mastery and clarity about both models and the science of the consequences when applied: suppressive and prioritizing the game with codes and meanings of the sports institution (Sport at School) or democratic in the search for collective participation and introducing the student to the cultural universe of physical activities (School Sport). It was possible to verify that, of the total sample, 50% of the teachers used the pedagogical model “School Sport” in line with their previous speech (even demonstrating imprecision on conceptual domain) and 50% used the model “Sport at School”. Contradicting his initial speech in which they affirmed the advocacy about the democratic pedagogical model mentioned above (perceiving, even, shallow appropriation of knowledge in the dissertations).

Keywords: School Sport, Sport at school, Sport, Physical Education


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How to Cite
Ganzer, R. A., & Ribeiro, A. J. P. (2020). School Sport and Sport at School: Pedagogical Model in Physical Education. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(266), 14-23.
Research Articles