Contributions of School Physical Education Regarding Childhood Obesity. A Literature Review


Obesity in childhood and adolescence has increased in prevalence and become a public health problem in the world, which contributes to the increased risk of numerous serious diseases, which can have their outcome in adult life. It is a public health problem that must be prevented and treated in childhood and adolescence. The school is an institution that provides students with opportunities to learn, and should enable students to become aware of the importance of how their diet should be and also the relevance of frequent physical activity, in the expenditure of calories necessary for the life of a healthy child. Physical Education classes, in the school environment, can be one of the most favorable moments to highlight the importance of physical activity and healthy eating for health promotion. In this context, the objective of this research was to discuss the contributions of physical education classes in relation to childhood obesity. The present study is an exploratory and descriptive bibliographic research. Physical education can contribute by being a discipline that facilitates changes in life habits, encouraging students and their families to adopt the practice of physical activities and healthy eating habits. Teachers can thus generate health awareness, with interventions about the need for a healthy diet combined with body practices; encouragement to change from a sedentary to an active lifestyle; awareness of the harmful effects of obesity, overweight and comorbidities; insertion of the family in the process of prevention and treatment of obesity.

Keywords: Chilhood obesity, Physical Education, Physical activity, Eating behavior


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Author Biographies

Laianne Brito e Silva,

Rodrigo de Magalhães Vianna,

How to Cite
Silva, L. B. e, & Vianna, R. de M. (2024). Contributions of School Physical Education Regarding Childhood Obesity. A Literature Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(309), 167-179.
Review Articles