Basic anthropometric indicators for possible talents detection in Ecuadorian taekwondo of both sexes

  • Thalía Fernanda Rubio Villalba Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
  • Lizbeth Estefanía Sevilla Morocho Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
  • Edgardo Romero Frómeta Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE


The sport selection is responsible for controlling various indicators or subjects characteristics that must have an oversize in said indicators above the subjects rest, in correspondence with growing international demands of each specific sport. In this sense, the objective investigated is related basic indicators determination that are not compensable in Ecuadorian taekwondo to select a possible sporting talent. The research is considered descriptive and analytical, using anthropometric measures considered general and specific proportionality indexes. We studied the population of possible taekwondo high performance athletes of initiation in Ecuador, in academic year 2012-2013. Basic non-compensable indicators were determined in Ecuadorian taekwondo of initiation, including of anthropometric nature and proportionality variables that intervene in sport detection of Ecuadorian taekwondo for both sexes, in ages between 9-10 and 11-12 years.

Keywords: Taekwondo, Sports selection rules, Anthropometric indicators and proportionality
How to Cite
Rubio Villalba, T. F., Sevilla Morocho, L. E., & Frómeta, E. R. (2018). Basic anthropometric indicators for possible talents detection in Ecuadorian taekwondo of both sexes. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 23(242), 95-107. Retrieved from
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