Meet the Team in which James Rodríguez will Play Again

  • Mía Pizarro Independiente


James Rodríguez is one of the most recognized Colombian soccer players today. He first stood out in local clubs, but with Envigado FC he managed to return to the top flight, which led him to join the Colombia under-17 team. In 2010, he went on to play in European soccer, at Futetbol Club Porto in Portugal. He stood out during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, an event in which he won the Golden Boot. He was later signed by Real Madrid, Monaco and Bayern Munich. He then moved on to Olympiakos in Greece and these days his talent and ability are on display at Sao Paulo Futebol Clube.

Keywords: Soccer, Colombia, James Rodríguez


González, N.J.B. (2020). Efecto de la Exportación de Futbolistas Colombianos [Tesis de Pregrado en Periodismo y Opinión Pública. Escuela de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad del Rosario].

López, G.A. (2019). Aquí no viaja un equipo,¡ viaja todo un país!: Relatos de una ilusión deportiva en Colombia, caso Brasil 2014. Trans-Pasando Fronteras, 13.

Redacción El Tiempo (2023). James Rodríguez ya despierta primeras críticas por posible fichaje en Sao Paulo.

How to Cite
Pizarro, M. (2023). Meet the Team in which James Rodríguez will Play Again. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(304), 211-216. Retrieved from