Handgrip Strength in Different Groups. A Literature Review


The handgrip strength is an indicator that has been studied and used for a long time as a method of evaluating the individual's global strength status, thus showing its importance. Demonstrating the effectiveness and functionality of the handgrip strength measurement in different situations and groups has become essential for health professionals, always seeking to prove the validity and reliability of the assessments. The objective of this study was, through a literature review, to present the use of handgrip strength in different populations. The present study is characterized as a study with a qualitative approach, with exploratory objectives carried out through a narrative bibliographic review. Due to its applicability in the field of health, sports and health professionals use handgrip strength to identify the health status of those evaluated, showing its applicability in the elderly, schoolchildren and high-performance athletes. Handgrip strength appears to be a good assessment strategy for different groups. Due to its practical application, being able to be taken to the field and not being limited to laboratories, and because it is not invasive, it emerges as a tool that can be expanded and used more by health professionals. Studies that can seek correlation between handgrip strength and other pathologies and groups are needed for a better understanding of handgrip strength and new applications.

Keywords: Manual dinamometry, Muscle strength dynamometer, Muscle strength, Physical functional performance


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Author Biographies

Márcio Vinícius de Abreu Verli,


Gabriel Marcos Sur Franco,


Marcelle Karyelle Montalvão Gomes,


Aníbal Monteiro de Magalhães Neto,


Luis Carlos Oliveira Gonçalves,


How to Cite
Verli, M. V. de A., Franco, G. M. S., Gomes, M. K. M., Neto, A. M. de M., & Gonçalves, L. C. O. (2024). Handgrip Strength in Different Groups. A Literature Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(308), 206-223. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v28i308.7220
Review Articles