Early Sports Specialization: Considerations and Reflections on the Topic


The present work aimed to address theoretical issues and present reflections on early sports specialization in sports. The investigate strategy included research in the electronic databases. After the selection of publications based on titles and abstracts, an evaluation was conducted by the researchers, who consensually determined the studies to be read in their entirety and included in the review by all researchers. Textbooks were also used to support the understanding of the field. As main findings, it can be highlighted that sports practice can bring benefits in the development process of children and adolescents. It is one of the stages of sports education that consists of initiation, specialization, and high performance. During sports specialization, young individuals deepen their knowledge and abilities. However, training methods are often not in line with the developmental characteristics of children. Several negative consequences are observed, such as the limitation of the child's motor repertoire, the risk of injuries, changes in biological maturation, and nutritional alterations due to excessive energy expenditure. In light of the findings of this review, we understand that sports are an important tool for discovering and achieving an individual's athletic potential, as long as they are directed in an enjoyable and challenging way, respecting the stages of motor, cognitive, and emotional development. The later the specialization in relation to puberty, the greater the chances of success and permanence in the chosen sport. However, cultural characteristics of sports disciplines strongly influence the development process in pursuit of competitive results in advance.

Keywords: Sports specialization, Children, Sport


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Author Biographies

Henrique Santa Capita Cerqueira,


Cristina Shintani,


Fabiana Carvalho,


Marcos Corrêa Junior,


How to Cite
Cerqueira, H. S. C., Shintani, C., Carvalho, F., & Corrêa Junior, M. (2024). Early Sports Specialization: Considerations and Reflections on the Topic. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(312), 119-130. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v29i312.7261
Opinion articles