Sodium Bicarbonate and Physical Exercise Performance: A Low-Cost Possibility
Sodium bicarbonate is a popular, low-cost nutritional supplement used as an ergogenic aid, with studies exploring its effects on exercise performance since the 1930s. It is known to be a safe food and is therefore used both in the food industry and in clinical situations. Given this reality, we sought to highlight sodium bicarbonate as a low-cost supplementation alternative to improve physical exercise performance. Regarding the methodological process of the study, an integrative research was sought with information collection on the Pubmed platform, in search of planned controlled clinical trials, published in the years 2019 to 2023. 15 articles were found related to the ergogenic power of sodium bicarbonate in Sports and different samples. It is concluded that sodium bicarbonate improved performance in muscular endurance activities in various combat sports, karate, taekwondo, wrestling, rowing, CrossFit®, in common and high-intensity cycling, and soon becomes a low-cost alternative and easily accessible to achieve better performance in sports.
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