The Origins of Boxing Day, the Great Day of British football

  • Emilio Arrung Independiente


Boxing Day is celebrated on December 26, an emblematic date on the British calendar, but also for Premier League fans. Its origin has nothing to do with football, but is a 19th century British tradition of delivering gift boxes to servants, employees and the less fortunate. Taking advantage of this holiday, many sports tournaments have taken advantage of Boxing Day to organize matches, with football being the most prominent. Currently, a day of football with important confrontations takes place during the festive season, when people are at home with their families and friends. Fans attend stadiums in the midst of Christmas celebrations. It is also a time to remember and honor the traditions of English football, which are intertwined with the country's history and culture.

Keywords: Boxing Day, Soccer, Britain, Tradition, Culture, Bets


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Tobar, F., y Ramshaw, G. (2022). ‘Welcome to the EPL’: analysing the development of football tourism in the English Premier League. Soccer & Society, 23(4-5), 432-450.

How to Cite
Arrung, E. (2024). The Origins of Boxing Day, the Great Day of British football. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(309), 211-214. Retrieved from