Online Security: What is the Safest Operating System to Play

  • Francisco Baldinelli Independiente


Both Android and iOS offer security features. On Android, the environment is controlled in the Play Store, it has regular security updates and allows downloads from unknown sources, with a greater risk of malware. iOS is a closed ecosystem with strict control of applications in the App Store, with rapid implementation of security patches and downloads only from the App Store with lower risk of malware. Choosing the right device is important to protect data privacy, improve user experience, and ensure financial and personal security. The best option will depend on the individual needs of each user. User security practices are also important.

Keywords: Online security, Android, iOS


Chavarria García, A. (2023). Desarrollo de una metodología para el análisis de seguridad en aplicaciones móviles [Master Thesis. Informàtica, Multimèdia i Telecomunicació, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya].

Guaña Moya, E.J., Sánchez Zumba, A., Chérrez Vintimilla, P., Chulde Obando, L., Jaramillo Flores, P.D.C., y Pillajo Rea, C. (2022). Ataques informáticos más comunes en el mundo digitalizado. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Japón.

How to Cite
Baldinelli, F. (2024). Online Security: What is the Safest Operating System to Play. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(311), 216-219. Retrieved from