Post-COVID-19 Pulmonary Physiotherapy: A Case Study


The Covid-19 pandemic emerged in Wuhan in late December 2019, spreading across the world with a high rate of contamination. The Covid-19 covers a large number of sequelae in the respiratory system, which entails a need for intense physiotherapy intervention. Thus, it was objected in the present study to evaluate the effectiveness of post-Covid-19 pulmonary physiotherapy in a patient at a Physiotherapy Clinic School in the city of Montes Claros, MG. For this, it was used the case study  as a methodology, which was carried out with a male patient, 62 years old, brown, divorced, with one child, with no report of previous illnesses, coming from the city of Montes Azul – MG, admitted in a Physiotherapy Clinic School with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, post-Covid-19, being submitted to tests to assess their perceptions of exertion through the Modified Borg scale, that is, the Six-Minute Walking Test and the muscle strength based on the Kendall scale. In view of the conduct performed, it is concluded that physiotherapy rehabilitation is an important resource in post-Covid-19 treatment, with regard to the proportion of sequelae caused by such infection.

Keywords: COVID-19, Respiratory rehabilitation, Physioterapy


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Author Biographies

Wellington Danilo Soares,

Geovana de Souza Pereira,

Maria Thereza Maia,

Jomar Luiz Santos de Almeida,

Árlen Almeida Duarte de Sousa,

How to Cite
Soares, W. D., Pereira, G. de S., Maia, M. T., Almeida, J. L. S. de, & Sousa, Árlen A. D. de. (2024). Post-COVID-19 Pulmonary Physiotherapy: A Case Study. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(316), 172-180.
Case Study (Clinical)