Physics Principles for Improving Performance in Student Futsal


Physics, as a science, reveals the capabilities of human beings to carry out regular activities to practices that challenge the limits. In sports practice, interdisciplinary assistance from physicists in the technical team has become more frequent, as the significant contributions of these interventions aimed at optimizing sports performance are recognized. The first contact with sport often happens within the school walls in the Physical Education discipline, which arouses the interest of most young people in practicing sports. In view of this, the work described here aimed at a joint action by Physics and Physical Education teachers, guiding and assisting the sports practices of the school futsal team in a manner appropriate to the context compared to that carried out in professional teams, but still addressing the improvement of sports performance, promoting quality of life and injury control. The work was carried out with the student futsal team from a public school in the city of Seabra-BA and was presented in 4 moments: presentation of concepts, initial measures, intervention, final measures. Therefore, from the methodology used, an improvement in quantitative terms in the speed and acceleration of the athletes was evidenced, in addition to the improvement in their postures when handling the ball and free kicks, thus avoiding possible postural deformations and future injuries, showing that this interdisciplinary interaction has a lot to contribute to all sports and at any level (student, youth and professional).

Keywords: Physics, Biomechanics, Futsal, Physical Education


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Author Biographies

Jonathan Silva Souza,

Antônio Francisco Reis Junior,

How to Cite
Souza, J. S., & Reis Junior, A. F. (2024). Physics Principles for Improving Performance in Student Futsal. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(316), 116-134.
Research Articles