Vol. 22 No. 236 (2018)
Should we be technological? What doubt fits! It seems the condition of daily survival. Those who were born in the last decades are testimony of a submersion, almost a submission to the logic of technology, attention to cyberspace, the use of almost magical resources without the slightest questioning.
Marshall Mcluhan known for the titles of three of his books: The medium is the message, The Gutemberg Galaxy and The Global Village stated that All technology tends to create a new human environment... Technology environments are not merely passive recipients of people, are active processes that reconfigure people and other similar technologies.
In these global times, it is also valuable to look around, to link creatively with others and with nature, to operate not only materially but culturally and socially in the Networks. It is about building experiences and feelings that are alternatives to build spaces that are more participative, supportive and inclusive, more human.
Tulio Guterman, Manager - January 2018