Vol. 25 No. 264 (2020)

encuentros cotidianos en tiempos de pandemia

It's not just about voluntary confinement
The Covid-19 pandemic pushed us into an uncertain, sudden and unexpected crisis. Its consequences are unpredictable, its present a risk scenario where maintaining health became a priority.
It is not only avoiding infection but also being well fed, exercising, being accompanied, alert, communicated and culturally connected and stimulated. Solving this is very complicated for large sectors of citizens, since the crisis further exposed the exclusion and oppression that already existed.
Living during this time generates a bitter taste but also allows gaining invaluable experiences to improve and personalize the educational, health, labor and other systems of the future in the search for the well-being of local and global communities. George Orwell (the author of the 1984 novel) stated that The important thing is not to stay alive but to stay human. It's about learning, teaching, sharing, accompanying, helping. And keep inventing, creating protocols and new organizational and technological resources that are as essential as the vaccine.
Tulio Guterman, Director - May 2020

Published: 2020-05-22



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