Vol. 25 No. 266 (2020)

Apertura de la cuarentena en Buenos Aires. Etapa 1: Actividad física individual

This means winning
Marcelo Bielsa, being the technical director of soccer, experienced painful defeats, such as the elimination of the Argentina team in the first round at the 2002 World Cup in Korea-Japan, the two finals in a row lost to Athletic Bilbao, or being on the threshold of promotion the year before with Leeds, the same team he had just led to the Premier League.
Leeds fans and their leaders love him, surely in the dimension that Slavoj Žižek defined when he says that loving is loving imperfection. Bielsa also stands out when it is circumstantially his turn to lose.
It teaches us that you don't always win, that in reality only one wins (the champion) and the majority lose. But insisting, fighting and with convictions, it is also possible for once to be first in the table, without cheating, nobly, with the best intellectual, bodily and ethical resources.
Tulio Guterman, Director - July 2020

Published: 2020-07-21



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