Vol. 25 No. 267 (2020)

La fuga. Ciclistas en poliéster del artista Erick Nagels. Brujas, Bélgica, 2013

Can you live without soccer?
Soccer is much more than a sport, some think that it constitutes a universal language, understandable to any inhabitant of the planet. Its intense importance in our societies produces diverse ideas about its relevance and influence: from its playful and healthy sense to its political and economic impact.
It is considered as a contemporary religion and has an integrating function in local and regional communities. At the same time, its concealed ideology as an alienating spectacle is similar to a drug in the service of power to control the masses.
In his analyses, the French anthropologist Christian Bromberger affirms that the comic potentialities that provoke unpredictable situations and deception, cunning or cheating, are one of the fundamental schemes of the game. In this sense we miss soccer, to express unique and genuine feelings and emotions. And to let the imagination fly together with the teams and the players, true contemporary heroes.
Tulio GutermanDirector - August 2020

Published: 2020-08-19



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