Vol. 25 No. 271 (2020)

Maradona: Héroe Global

Maradona: Global Hero
Cosmic Kite, Genie, D10s, Cebollita, Inspirational Master of Dreams... something of each of us goes away with the death of Maradona, some of his pride, mischief, luck, creativity, courage, patriotism; but also his limitations, shortcomings and contradictions. The things that by excess or by default each of us knew how to achieve.
Diego Maradona was more than a soccer player. From his origins in marginal sectors, he was a popular figure who personified, with many of his actions, words and gestures, the aspirations of the most humble. He was the protagonist of what rarely happens, when someone who is perhaps expected to be docile, becomes unmanageable and irreverent, putting unexpected resources into play to overcome obstacles and emerge victorious.
He excelled as a player at the right time, which made him a magnet for the media. His legend will endure in time as a national icon, an idol of Argentines and as a global hero that we will certainly miss.
Tulio Guterman, Director - December 2020

Published: 2020-12-16



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