Vol. 22 No. 237 (2018)

NBA: Deporte y Espectáculo

We go through a time when human beings need more and more of the others to develop and prosper. Linear and obvious and direct causality views often lead us to dead ends and repetitive errors.

Sport is an interesting space to represent this idea. The multilateral and multidisciplinary training and preparation seems to give more and more fruits to those who cultivate it. Michael Jordan himself recognized that the talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.

There are countless examples where the most expensive times does not always win or those that a priori seem superior. Sometimes those who spent time and effort to know and expand their potential, those who enjoy the game, those who are motivated with goods and immaterial rewards win, the unexpected that give an intense and inspiring sense to our existence.

Tulio GutermanManager - February 2018

Published: 2018-02-27



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