Vol. 25 No. 274 (2021)

Sumando conciencia ambiental

Adding environmental awareness
Many studious argue that the pandemic we are experiencing is a product of the constant environmental damage that humans are inflicting on our environment. The deterioration is evidenced in climate change, air, land and sea pollution, the loss of biodiversity, overexploitation of natural resources, desertification and the melting of glaciers.
Degradation is increasing and is occurring in shorter times: some argue that in a few decades the planet's oxygen will run out. Drinking water is already considered a scarce good and is listed on the stock market. Are there alternatives to so much greed and self-destruction? Without a doubt. The Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015 are a valuable agenda to follow.
It is about investing in clean energy, not giving way to groups that want to gain power with short-term projects and with promises of infinite progress and consumerism that lead to the overexploitation of resources. Let's globalize environmental awareness before there is nothing left to plunder in our home, Earth.
Tulio Guterman, Director - March 2021

Published: 2021-03-15



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