Analysis of Purchases of Sports Merchandise by Fans of the Top Four Cariocas Soccer Teams
The objective of this research is to identify the most consumed products by fans of the top four soccer teams in Rio de Janeiro and, using statistical methods such as ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis and t-Test for a difference in mean, evaluate whether such fans associate higher prices with products that expose the symbols of the clubs they cheer for. With a sample of 183 soccer fans, it was noticed that the perception of value is similar for almost all products, regardless of the preferred teams. The exception are coats, for which the fans of Fluminense and Flamengo were willing to spend more than the others. It is not possible to assert that any fan of some carioca team usually buys products from his/her team in greater proportion than the rivals. The most purchased products are the antique shirt, the champion ribbon and the official shirt, raising managerial implications for companies in the analyzed market.
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