Biomechanical Study of Anchorage in Cuban Youth Archers

  • Leandro González López Facultad de Cultura Física. Universidad de Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez"
  • Pablo Antonio Zamora Pérez Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva Escolar. Sancti Spíritus


Introduction: Archery is an Olympic sport of international interest, where the technical movement is a priority in its training methodology. In this sense, biomechanical analyzes make it possible to improve sports preparation by delimiting the scope and potential of the sporting gesture. Objective: To analyze the biomechanical principles of archers anchoring, including an archer description as a biomechanical system during the shot execution. Methods: It was the observation and as auxiliary the video-analysis and measurements through the Tracker software, quantifying biomechanical characteristics present in the execution. The archers images were obtained in week 12 in training of 2 athletes of the Cuba national youth pre-selection. Results: Some fundamental errors are obtained, such as the angle of rope hand, as well as the inadequate placement of elbow in arrow same direction, both in frontal and sagittal.

Keywords: Archery, Anchorage, Biomechanical system
How to Cite
González López, L., & Zamora Pérez, P. A. (2019). Biomechanical Study of Anchorage in Cuban Youth Archers. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 24(258), 41-53. Retrieved from
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