Correlation Scale, Functional Tests and Comorbidities with Episodes in Cerebrovascular Accident


Introduction: In assessing patients with a stroke sequel, tonic and postural changes are generally evaluated, but other important information, such as functional capacity, risk of falls, and gait, should also be taken into account. Objective: To correlate the impairment level determined by Brunnstrom's scale, the results of functional tests and analyze the characteristics of the sample as being affected by comorbidities, time and number of strokes occurred. Methods: Cross-sectional evaluation of 50 patients (convenience) at a center of public rehabilitation, using Brunnstrom's scale  (1-6, better limb ability closer to 6), Time Up and Go (TUG) (significant mobility deficit and in risk of falls above 20 seconds), Upright Motor Control Test (UMCT) (1-3, bellow 3 are household walkers), Step Test (ST) (disparity between member refers to slower individuals), registration of comorbidity and the time since the stroke happened and the number of episodes. Results: Grade "4" rated for upper and lower limbs by Brunnstrom's Scale, achieving over 20 seconds in TUG, level 2 in UMCT, and commitment of paretic member related to non-paretic on the ST (p<0.01). There was no influence of the time or number of strokes suffered. The main associations found were hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia. Conclusion: The Brunnstrom's scale appointed moderate level function impairment for upper and lower limbs. Wherein association with functional tests determines slower and vulnerable individuals, with disability in changing the load support between members, neuromuscular control and balance deficit, fall risk and compromised walking ability.

Keywords: Stroke, Disability evaluation, Physical therapy modalities


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Author Biographies

Dérrick Patrick Artioli,

Gladson Ricardo Flor Bertolini,

How to Cite
Artioli, D. P., & Bertolini, G. R. F. (2021). Correlation Scale, Functional Tests and Comorbidities with Episodes in Cerebrovascular Accident. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(282), 30-43.
Research Articles