Relationship Between Indicators of Motor Performance and Biological Maturation in Soccer Players Under the Age of 16
The main objective of this study was to establish the existing relationships between motor performance and biological maturation of soccer players in the Under 16 category of the El Nacional team in Ecuador. It is part of the quantitative approach supported by a descriptive correlational field research, the sample used for this research work was 25 players who are in competition in the Ecuadorian Under 16 Soccer Championship. For this study, players with Running-based Anaerobic Sprint (RAST) and Yo-Yo Endurance Level 1 aerobic physical tests; in addition, having made anthropometric measurements. It is concluded that for the variables studied, age, weight, height, and Head Trunk Height (HTH), there is no significant difference in relation to Peak Growth Speed (PGS). It is inferred that these differences are probably due to increasing age, the change of stage from adolescence to youth and the time of experience in which they were subjected to systematic training regimens. Likewise, it is concluded that there is an inverse correlation and a direct correlation between the physical tests of PVC. On the other hand, only the variables of Maximum Power (r = 0.466 and p=*0.019) and Average (r =0.512 and p=**0.009) from the RAST Test show a significant correlation with the growth speed peak.
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