Creation the Signs Technical Handbook Applied to Soccer FEDEPDAL 2019

  • Johnattan Alexander Tuqueres Suntaxi Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
  • Santiago Efraín Vaca Andramunio Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE


The implementation of sports with an inclusive orientation includes the development of technical-methodological implements of various kinds, including those that can contribute to better communication in deaf populations. In this regard, it has been established as an investigate objective the development of a technical soccer signs Handbook to level raise of coach communication in the execution of sports with deaf people. The research will be descriptive, analytical and correlational, making a bibliographic consultation to establish the best sign system for deaf players, plus the researcher's contributions, designing 26 signs that allow better communication between athletes and coaches. A consultation was applied to 10 specialists on topics related to the action field, assessing their level of agreement in four variables, being significant (p = 0.000) and the concordance high level (w = 0.904: Very High). Once the sign manual of soccer for deaf people was designed, basically described in the results and discussion section, it was considered to socialize their characteristics to the specialists so that they contribute to their methodological improvement.

Keywords: Handbook, Technical signs, Soccer, Deaf people


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How to Cite
Tuqueres Suntaxi, J. A., & Vaca Andramunio, S. E. (2020). Creation the Signs Technical Handbook Applied to Soccer FEDEPDAL 2019. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 24(261), 69-81.
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