'One Team, one Nation': the Rugby as a Tool for South African Union after Apartheid


Even after the end of the Apartheid regime, South Africa continued to be a country divided internally and with a negative image outside its borders. Nelson Mandela, elected president of the country, had in his hands the mission to unite South-Africans, without distinction of skin color, and reinsert the country internationally. That is when right before the rugby World Cup of 1995, to be hosted by South Africa, he realized the political potential of the sport. This article has as general objective analyze how rugby was used, in Nelson Mandela’s policy, to construct an unified nation and reinsert the country in the international scenery. For that, were worked the definitions of nationalism, prestige politics and soft power, focusing on the role of the sport; right after it was portrayed the political period after apartheid and the role of rugby in the country. It is concluded that the strategy to use rugby as a political instrument was successful, opening paths to overcome apartheid and reinsert South Africa in the International Scenery.

Keywords: South Africa, Rugby, Nelson Mandela, Apartheid


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How to Cite
Boff, R. B., & Santos, L. O. dos. (2020). ’One Team, one Nation’: the Rugby as a Tool for South African Union after Apartheid. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(264), 15-31. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v25i264.2136
Research Articles