Biological Nature of Aggression: an Analysis of Fighting Sports


Aggression is common in nature, being very associated with the use of force or the imposition of dominance. This essay aims to describe some behavioral determinants related to the biological character of aggression present in the world of combat sports. The results show that highly competitive contexts justify more assertive and more daring behaviors in order to optimize results; the aggression here is a primary functional demand of the sport itself. Thus, competitive success is implicitly linked to the competitive context, the resources in dispute and the importance of competition for the athlete.

Keywords: Combat sports, Aggression, Sport competition


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How to Cite
Campos, I. S. L., & Gouveia Junior, A. (2020). Biological Nature of Aggression: an Analysis of Fighting Sports. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(269), 152-161.
Opinion articles