Humanization of Health Care in the Small Municipality


The National Humanization Policy is an important instrument of action for considering the subject as a co-participant in the health process and respecting the singularities of the users, in addition to its importance in teamwork and comprehensive care. The present study seeks to understand the praxis of professionals who work with the National Humanization Policy in a municipality considering the local reality. This is a qualitative research carried out with 65 professionals from the municipal health network through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analyzed through content analysis, which made it possible to show difficulties in understanding the National Humanization Policy, complexity in carrying out humanized practices, added to the ignorance of the general textual elements of the investigated policy. We conclude that the lack of knowledge about the theme does not prevent the professional from having a more humanized service, but the difficulties provided in the municipality interfere in the performance of a full job.

Keywords: Humanization, Health personnel, Humanized work


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How to Cite
Farias, J. M. de, Vitali, M. M., Gonçalves, G. A., & Soratto, J. (2021). Humanization of Health Care in the Small Municipality. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(275), 137-149.
Research Articles