The Effect of Using Computers and the Internet on the Cognitive Function of the Elderly


Objective: To estimate the effect of participating in cognitive stimulation groups mediated by computers and Internet on the cognitive function of elderly. Method: Randomized prospective controlled intervention study carried out from 2010 to 2011 with volunteered patients followed in the Memory Clinics of the South of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The intervention group (n=56) received a program of 20 sessions biweekly of 1.5 hours each of cognitive stimulation. The control group (n=53) received routine medical follow-up. Both groups received guidelines of health, physical activity and not make previous use of computers and Internet. The outcome was gain of 4 points or more in the Mini-Mental State Examination, between evaluations. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were estimated by logistic regression analysis, with a significance level of p≤0.05. Results: In the final adjusted model, the intervention group obtained an odds 4.63 times higher of the outcome (OR=4.63; CI 95%: 1.43-14.94) compared to the control group. Concluded that the participation in cognitive stimulation groups mediated by computers and Internet is associated with reliable improvement on cognitive function of elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment.

Keywords: Computers, Cognitive function, Health, Elderly


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How to Cite
Krug, R. de R., Silva, A. Q. A. da, Schneider, I. J. C., Ramos, L. R., d’Orsi, E., & Xavier, A. J. (2021). The Effect of Using Computers and the Internet on the Cognitive Function of the Elderly. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(275), 179-195.
Research Articles