Biomechanical Differences in Taekwondo Between the Classified and Novice Category Performing the Mondolyo Furyo Chagui Kick


Biomechanics as a science supported by principles and laws of physics allows the study of biological mechanisms, where the technique plays analysis a preponderant role to achieve high sports performances, included in taekwondo of any category. Objective: To analyze different factors that affect the correct execution of the Mondolyo Furyo Chagui taekwondo kick among classified and novice athletes. Methods: A population of 20 male athletes from the Team Vencedores Taekwondo club is studied, forming two independent groups (Group 1 Novices: 10 subjects; Group 2 Classified: 10 subjects) of the pre-youth category (16-17 years), studying five interest variables of the mentioned technique. Results: The differences in the five technical variables studied (all in favor of group 2) are evidenced by presenting better average ranges, where there was only one significantly different variable (average time of kick execution, from the take-off of the posterior heel until impact) according to Mann-Whitney U (p=0.023). Conclusions: It is recommended to establish further analyzes to prospectively implement a technical-tactical improvement methodology that optimizes the sports preparation process of the studied taekwondo fighters.

Keywords: Biomechanics, Mondolyo furyo chagui kick, Taekwondo


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How to Cite
De La Vega Saransig, D. D., Castillo López, A. P., & Loachamin Aldaz, E. M. (2021). Biomechanical Differences in Taekwondo Between the Classified and Novice Category Performing the Mondolyo Furyo Chagui Kick. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(276), 75-89.
Research Articles