Biomechanical Differences in Weightlifting Snatch Technique between Elite and Novice Athletes


Introduction: The sports technique characterization among athletes of different levels makes it possible to improve the specialized motor movement in the future, given the making methodologies possibility that improve the teaching-learning process. Objective: To technical movement characterize of snatching in weightlifting, identifying the differences between elite athletes and novices from the Federación Deportiva del Carchi. Methods: Descriptive-correlational research, studying the Angles in each phase (Initial position, First Halon, Second Halon, Entry and Recovery), the Peak of maximum estimated speed in m/s (First Halon, Second Halon, Entry and Recovery) and the Gravity Center (Initial position, First halon, Second halon, Entry and Recovery), as well as the bar trajectory, in two independent samples of the female gender, category 13-18 years (Group 1 - Elites: 12 subjects. Group 2 - Rookies: 13 subjects). Results: The individual values and the means of each variable were determined, not establishing significant differences in all the data, except in the variables Angle of the Second Knee Halon (p=0.011) and the Peak of Maximum Speed in the First Halon ( p=0.046). Conclusions: The snatch technique is biomechanically characterized in elite and novice athletes, recommending in the future to establish a larger explanatory investigation to methodologically analyze the causes and effects of the significant differences and the small differences detected in the average ranges obtained in the present investigation.

Keywords: Biomechanics, Weightlifting, Snatch technique


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How to Cite
Arévalo Játiva, G. S., Chichanda Bravo, D. X., & Romero Frómeta, E. (2021). Biomechanical Differences in Weightlifting Snatch Technique between Elite and Novice Athletes. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(280), 133-146.
Research Articles