Training to Improve the Physical Preparation of the Ibarra Fire Department, Imbabura, Ecuador


Introduction: Physical preparation in firefighters is an extremely important component, being one of the essential competencies for the effective exercise of their profession; Therefore, the periodic evaluation of the physical condition in these professionals is essential. Objective: To evaluate the physical condition of the Fire Department of the Canton Ibarra, Imbabura province, Ecuador. Methods: Descriptive-explanatory research, a sample of 140 subjects (28 Females and 112 Males) was diagnosed by age range, being selected by the high command of the Fire Department, studying the physical condition related to speed, strength and endurance capacities. Results: The results classified the sample by age range in the three physical capacities studied, having in general a qualitative qualification of regular level. Conclusions: In this sense, the existence of a deficient physical preparation, moderate results and aspects highly related to current level of knowledge about the investigated topic is concluded.

Keywords: Physical capacity, Firefighters department, Evaluation


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How to Cite
Yépez Calderón, Álvaro F., Doria de la Terga, E. V., Yandún Yalamá, S. V., & Realpe Zambrano, Z. E. (2021). Training to Improve the Physical Preparation of the Ibarra Fire Department, Imbabura, Ecuador. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(282), 150-164.
Research Articles