Effect of a Dual Task Training Protocol on the Functionality of Physically Active Elderly


Introduction: Physically active elderly people have more conserved physical and mental capacities, so interventions proposed for this group should be more challenging. Objective: To evaluate the effect of functional training based on dual task concepts on the functionality of physically active elderly people. Method: It`s a controlled clinical trial with random allocation of 11 physically active elderly, who were divided into two intervention groups: the conventional (CON) one (n=4) and the sensory-cognitive-motor (SMC) one (n=7), which carried out on a track with multiple stimuli. The interventions were performed twice a week lasting 40 minutes, for nine weeks. The physical aspects of functionality were evaluated by applying the simple Timed Up and Go Test, modified Timed Up and Go (dual-task), Berg Balance Scale, Short Physical Performance Battery, Falls Efficacy Scale, dynamometry, manovacuometry, fingertip-to-floor distance and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale. Comparison between groups was performed using the Student's t test (normal distribution) and the Mann-Whitney U test (non-normal). Results: There was a significant and clinically relevant difference between the groups for the Berg Balance Scale (p=0.03; d=1.42), and Grip Force (p=0.03; d=-1.66); and a clinically relevant difference between groups for respiratory pressures (inspiratory: p=0.07; d=1.29 / expiratory: p=0.07; d=1.29). Conclusion: The effects of sensory-cognitive-motor protocol demonstrated greater potential for effectiveness on respiratory conditioning and balance of physically active elderly, when compared to a conventional intervention. While for the functionality, the effects are positively similar between the two proposals used.

Keywords: Elderly, Exercise therapy, Functionality, Health promotion


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Author Biographies

Jéssica Karen Alves Nogueira,


Thiago Henrique Ferreira Vasconcellos,


Luciane Aparecida Pascucci Sande de Souza,


Lislei Jorge Patrizzi Martins,


How to Cite
Nogueira, J. K. A., Vasconcellos, T. H. F., Souza, L. A. P. S. de, & Martins, L. J. P. (2023). Effect of a Dual Task Training Protocol on the Functionality of Physically Active Elderly. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(296), 101-121. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v27i296.3207
Research Articles