Physical Education Class in the Time of a Pandemic
COVID-19 has affected almost all fields of human activity, and education has been particularly affected: by the closure of schools and its consequences, such as the digital gap or the interruption of the services that educational institutions. In the cases in which there has been a reopening, it has been with the implementation of security and preventive measures that have affected both students and teachers. In the framework of the 2020/2121 school year, marked by these measures, we have to wonder how the educational process has been developed and the way in which students have been affected. This case study analyzes a group of both girls and boys in the third and fourth years of Primary Education throughout this year, with the aim of answering questions such as their adaptation to anticovid measures of their school, interrelationships between students and their academic achievement. Certain conclusions have been reached, although they cannot be extrapolated as generalists due to the small size of the sample, they are interesting to understand better the consequences of the pandemic in the school environment and the psychosocial behavior of students.
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