Doctoral Student and Marathon Runner: Ideas and Reflections on an Experience


The present text, which aims to present a correlation between the path of a marathon runner and the trajectory of a doctoral student; was carried out through an experience report. The article is divided into three parts: the first topic presents what a doctorate is and how the path of a doctoral student works, that is, from entering the program to defending a thesis. The second topic deals with the marathon and discusses what this athletics test is and how training for such an event works. In the last topic, the article concludes by pointing out some possible correlations between a doctoral student and a marathon runner, such as: the free choice to participate in the two activities; the advisor and the coach; the doctoral student's life and the marathoner's life; the sleep of the doctoral student and marathon runner pains; defense day and race day; and the feeling of happiness at the end of the marathon or doctorate.

Keywords: Doctorate, Marathon, Thesis defense


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Author Biography

Clovis Brito,

How to Cite
Brito, C. (2022). Doctoral Student and Marathon Runner: Ideas and Reflections on an Experience. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(291), 197-209.
Innovation and Experiences