Exercises System to Perfect the Canadian Variant Reel Throw Technique in Softball


Introduction: The content design of the athlete's preparation makes it possible to optimize sports preparation, which includes the technique improvement in sports such as softball. Objective: To validate an exercise system to perfect the movement of the Canadian variant windlass style technique in softball, for pitchers of the Superior Category of the Machala City, year 2021. Methods: Descriptive-correlational investigation of quasi-experimental orientation, studying two independent groups (Control Group: 8 pitchers: and Experimental Group: 7 pitchers), maintaining the traditional training for the control group and implementing the exercise system for the experimental group in the special preparation. Previously, a theoretical validation of the intervention proposal was carried out with 13 national and international specialists, evaluating four analysis indicators (Validity “V”; Comprehensiveness “C”; Affordability “A”; Variety “Va”). Results: Indicator “V” obtains the highest average score (4.85points; between High and Very High), followed by indicator “A” (4.77 points; between High and Very High), indicator “C” (2.23points; Medium) and the indicator “Va” (3.08points; Medium) respectively, with a high level of agreement among specialists (w=0.856) in its theoretical validation. On the other hand, the comparison of both independent groups showed significant differences in experimental group favor (p=0.001), once the intervention proposal was implemented. Conclusions: There is a high theoretical acceptance issued by the specialists, significantly improving the throwing technique in experimental group favor. It is recommended to perfect the intervention proposal in the future in terms of comprehensiveness, and greater variety in the exercises.

Keywords: Exercice system, Throwing, Technique, Softball


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How to Cite
Leiva Zambrano, M. A., & Gutiérrez Cruz, M. (2021). Exercises System to Perfect the Canadian Variant Reel Throw Technique in Softball. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(283), 109-120. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v26i283.3243
Research Articles