The Role of Student Coaches in an Intervention with the Sport Education Model

A Research at the Municipal School Santos Dumont in Paiçandu, Paraná, Brazil


Introduction: The Sport Education Model is a teaching model that aims to foster authentic experiences for students by means of a teaching approach that integrates the main aspects of institutionalized sport. This model has already been the subject of several studies in Brazil, but none of them dealt specifically with the roles played by students during classes. Aim: To identify the role of student-coaches in the process of appropriation of predetermined knowledge within an intervention based on the Sport Education Model (SEM) in the early years of elementary school. Methods: A 4th grade elementary class with seventeen students (6 girls and 11 boys) participated in a season of twenty (20) classes grounded on the SEM. This was an action research with the following cycle: planning, implementation, description, and assessment of the actions taken. Data collection was performed through video image recording, field diaries of the classes during the interventions, questionnaire administration and text production by the students at the end of the season. Results: It was found that the student-coaches were able to perform the tasks requested by the research teacher, as well as to identify and discuss the problems and possible solutions for them in class. Conclusions: By forming small groups that remain together throughout the season, and with the role of the student-coach, the SEM empowered students’ autonomy; the specific task with the student-coach enhanced the achievement of the predetermined goals for the season and benefited the development of students’ leadership skills and autonomy.

Keywords: Physical Education, Educational models, Sports, Teaching, Track and field


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Author Biographies

Eliane Maria de Almeida,

Luciane Cristina Arantes,

How to Cite
Almeida, E. M. de, & Arantes, L. C. (2022). The Role of Student Coaches in an Intervention with the Sport Education Model: A Research at the Municipal School Santos Dumont in Paiçandu, Paraná, Brazil. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(294), 71-89.
Research Articles