Any Level of Physical Activity Level Reduces Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Adults
The regular practice of physical activity can positively influence well-being and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. However, some studies indicate that a high level of activity practice can have a negative impact on mental health. So, this study aimed to verify the extent to which different levels of physical activity influence the incidence of anxiety, stress, and depression in Brazilian adults of both sexes. A total of 287 individuals participated in the study, answering the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-short form) and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). They were divided into four groups, considering the physical activity level: sedentary (n=23), irregularly active (n=35), active (n=88), and very active (n=141). The results show that, regarding the amount of practice and intensity of physical activities, the sedentary group (with little time per week in different dimensions of physical activity, such as walking and physical effort) was associated with higher scores of depression, anxiety, and stress. On the other hand, the same did not happen with the other groups. Thus, the results seem to suggest that there is an effect of the practice of physical activity on these variables, as sedentary individuals had higher scores for all dimensions. Furthermore, for the studied sample, any level of physical activity practice was associated with reduced anxiety, stress, and depression, with no differences found between irregularly active, active or very active individuals.
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