Development of Technical Skills through the Bilateral Transfer of School-Level Soccer Players


The competitive rigor that modern soccer demands requires skillful soccer players with both legs. In the event that there is no acceptable bilateral technical homogeneous development in Cuban soccer players of school categories, it is today a problem to investigate. The aim of this (non-systematic) review is to expose the importance that the study of bilateral transfer can have in the field of sports training. For this article, the documentary review method was used, which served as a support instrument, allowing the identification of already developed research, conceptualizations, important authors in the subject to be addressed; outlining our object of study and building starting premises to elaborate a theoretical basis. As a result of this bibliographic analysis of the subject, it is revealed the importance that the different authors give to the transfer of skills and how this can be more effective from the dominant limb to the less skilled, thus reaching a bilateral technical homogeneity, a fundamental factor for optimal sports performance, being able to suppose in football, a certain decisive advantage for the competition and an improvement in the training and preparation of soccer players.

Keywords: Bilateral transfer, Sports performance, Soccer


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How to Cite
Fals Martinez, J. A., Noa Cuadro, H., & Sánchez Córdova, B. (2022). Development of Technical Skills through the Bilateral Transfer of School-Level Soccer Players. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(288), 176-188.
Review Articles